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T-shirt "Signature" White - 3
T-shirt "Signature" White - 4
T-shirt "Signature" White - 5
T-shirt "Signature" White - 6
Bistrot Paul Bert

Le T-shirt Signature Blanc


The Bistrot Paul Bert shines as much for its dishes as for its unique atmosphere, which both the locals of the neighborhood and tourists from around the world adore. Up to this point, its graphic identity had been represented through its iconic Bernardaud plate, the neon red bottle on the exterior of the building, and its charismatic owner. However, an "official" Paul Bert logo had been conspicuously absent.

This is now a thing of the past thanks to a very successful "facade renovation", designed by Kevin Lhuissier, which you can find exclusively on GiftShop, available on t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, and even wine glasses.

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Bistrot Paul Bert

Le Bistrot Paul Bert dispose de l'une des salles à manger les plus charmantes et de la clientèle les plus agréables de la ville, donnant l'impression aux visiteurs novices d'être dans le bistrot parisien de leurs rêves. Leur menu est directement issu du livre de recettes classiques du bistrot, avec des options comme le steak frites, l'andouillette, le soufflé et la tarte Tatin. Comparé à de nombreux autres bistrots, Paul Bert brille par son approvisionnement en ingrédients de qualité supérieure et sa cuisine soigneuse.


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